06.07 WORKSHOP:Adbusting 

Have you noticed how much urban space is shaped by different coloured and flashing advertisements? But why ads? If urban space is a shared space, it should be shaped more by the citizens who move and work there.
Subvertising, a mix of ´subvert´ and ´advertising´, is a form of street art that replaces advertising with art. In this workshop we’ll give a short talk about this form of artivism, and the collective Subvertising Norway. After the talk, the practical workshop begins: the participants can create their own posters and artworks from materials like paper, paint, markers etc. When the posters are done, the participants are invited to hang up their posters in the streets.

Supervisor: Hanne Ugelstad,  Subvertising Norway and Street Art Oslo

 Hanne Ugelstad is a social pedagogue and artist.  Hanne is particularly interested in the ways (un)sanctioned art and creative expressions in our shared public spaces can create opportunities for people to experience and interact with the city in new and different ways.

Place: Pikk 58, Tartu
Time: 06.07 at 15:00
Duration: 1.5-2h
Maximum number of people: 10


When buying a ticket for the curator's tour, you do not need to buy an additional ticket for the exhibition
( when purchasing, choose "the product does not require transport" as the method of transport )
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